What does ADC mean in League of Legends?

Attack damage carry

When you hear ADC in a League of Legends (LoL) game, it’s short for “attack damage carry.” ADCs are champions that may start off a little weak, but they pack a serious punch as the game progresses. They’re known for dishing out massive amounts of damage with their basic attacks, which can often lead their team to victory.

As an ADC, a player’s role is to build up their strength over time. This could mean gathering items or scoring kills, but the end goal is always to boost the damage output of their basic attacks. When an ADC is fully powered up, they can deal hundreds of damage points every second. If you’re playing against an ADC like Caitlyn, Jinx, or Varus, you’d better watch out!

While ADC is a term that’s been around for a while, newer labels like Marksman, Slayer, and Fighter have started to take its place in LoL terminology. Marksmen are ADCs that attack from a distance, while Slayers and Fighters get up close and personal. But don’t be surprised if you still hear players calling these damage dealers ADCs. It’s a term that’s stuck around for a reason.

Example for using ‘ADC’ in a conversation

Hey, have you heard of ADCs in League of Legends?

Yeah, ADC stands for Attack Damage Carry, right? They’re the champs that deal tons of damage with basic attacks!

Exactly! They start off weaker but get stronger over time. It’s all about carrying the team to victory.

Got it! So, ADCs are like the heavy hitters of the game. Which champs are considered ADCs?

Some examples are Ashe, Tristana, and Twitch. They dish out crazy amounts of damage!

Nice! But I’ve heard people using other terms like Marksman, Slayer, and Fighter. Are they the same as ADCs?

Yeah, those terms are used interchangeably now. Marksmen are ranged ADCs, while Slayers and Fighters are melee ADCs.

Ah, gotcha! So even though the term ADC is changing, it’s still commonly used by players, right?

Definitely! People are used to saying ADC, so you’ll still hear it a lot. It’s all about those basic damage-dealing champs!