What does AOC stand for?

Available on cell

If you see ‘AOC’ in a text, email, or chat, it’s slang for “available on cell”. This means that you can get in touch with the person by ringing their cell phone.

Often, you’ll find that the person gives you more details when they say they’re AOC. They might provide their phone number, or even the specific times when they’ll be available to take your call.

For instance, if someone ends a message with “Won’t be in tomorrow, but AOC (123-456-7890) between 3 and 7,” they’re telling you that you can call the given number between 3 pm and 7 pm.

Example for using ‘AOC’ in a conversation

Hey! Are you free tonight?

Sorry, I have plans. AOC till 10 pm though. What’s up?

I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner. Maybe next time then!

Definitely! Let’s catch up soon. AOC tomorrow from 6 pm onwards if you want to make plans.