What does AWOL stand for?

Absent while online

When someone goes AWOL, they are basically disappearing without telling anyone or getting permission. This term is most commonly used in the military world, where being AWOL is a big deal. It means you have left your post without any official authorization.

So, when you hear someone say they’re going AWOL from their online game or chat, they’re not actually in trouble. They’re just using a term from the military in a more casual sense. They are basically saying they will be offline or away from their device for a while.

Remember, when AWOL is used in a military setting, it’s serious business. But in everyday chatter or online gaming, it’s just a cool way of saying “I will be back, but don’t know when”.

Example for using ‘AWOL’ in a conversation

Hey, where were you? You went AWOL earlier!

Oops, sorry! My internet connection went down and I couldn’t get back online for a while. πŸ˜…

No worries, just thought you disappeared on me! πŸ˜„

Haha, definitely not! I’m back now, though. Ready to chat? πŸ‘