Bare Lie

What does Bare Lie mean in Golf?

A golf ball that’s directly on the ground

Bare lie is a term you’d hear in the golfing world. It refers to a situation where a golf ball is resting on a hard surface, devoid of any grass cushioning that would usually create a space between the ball and the ground.

It’s worth noting that a bare lie can influence a player’s swing. This is because the ball’s position isn’t what the player is typically used to. Courses are more prone to having bare lies during the winter season, making it a common occurrence.

Another term for a bare lie is a “tight lie”. However, don’t mix it up with “bear lie”. That’s a totally made up term and has nothing to do with bears fibbing about their size!

Example for using ‘Bare Lie’ in a conversation

Person 1: Hey, I just played golf and had the toughest shot! 🏌️‍♂️

Person 2: Oh no, what happened? 😮

Person 1: Well, my ball was in a bare lie. It was just sitting directly on the ground with no grass underneath. 😬

Person 2: Yikes! That must have been challenging. Did it affect your swing? ⛳️