What does BCOY stand for?

Big crush on you

‘BCOY’ is a slang phrase that is most commonly used to express that one person has a crush on another person. It’s a way of sharing secret feelings with someone else, usually through a text or online message.

The term is mostly used by teenage girls, when they’re chatting about their crushes and love interests. It’s a quick and easy way for them to talk about their feelings without actually having to name the person they’re crushing on.

So, if a girl says ‘BCOY’ to her friend, it means she’s telling her friend that she has a crush on her. It’s a fun and secretive way of discussing crushes among friends.

Example for using ‘BCOY’ in a conversation

Hey! Guess what? I have a BCOY! 😍

Really? Who is it? spill the tea! β˜•οΈ

Haha, it’s Ryan from our school! He’s so cute! 😊

OMG! That’s amazing! You should totally talk to him! πŸ’¬