What does BO5 stand for in online gaming?

Best of five

BO5 is short for best of 5. It’s a phrase used to describe a style of match where the winner is determined by who wins three out of five games. This term is frequently used in video games and sports matches.

This slang is pretty much like BO3, another common term which stands for best of three. In a BO3 match, the player who wins two out of three games claims victory.

You’ll often come across these phrases in online gaming. Games like Dota 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) and Warcraft III are known to use this system of match play.

Example for using ‘BO5’ in a conversation

Hey, are you up for some gaming tonight?

Definitely! What do you have in mind?

Let’s do a BO5 in League of Legends. Winner takes all!

Sounds intense! I’m in. See you online!