
What does BookTok mean?

TikTok users discussing books, also known as ‘BookTok’

BookTok is a buzzword on TikTok, used by people who love to chat about, act out scenes from, or suggest their top book picks. These TikTok members, who might identify themselves as being from the BookTok crew, are big fans of sharing their excitement for their beloved reads, often bouncing off each other’s book suggestions and posts.

There’s a wide variety of BookTok videos out there. From drama to romance, and thrillers to fantasy, you’ll find it all on BookTok. But it’s not just limited to these. The beauty of BookTok lies in its diversity of content, catering to all kinds of readers.

And it’s not just on TikTok that you’ll come across BookTok. With its growing popularity, you might see the term popping up in your local bookstore, often alongside a collection of books that have gotten a lot of attention on TikTok. And you might be surprised to know that most of these books are actually quite good, including the ones aimed at younger readers.

Example for using ‘BookTok’ in a conversation

Hey, have you heard of BookTok? πŸ“šπŸ“±

Yeah, I’ve seen that term around! It’s all about books on TikTok, right? πŸ“–πŸŽ΅

Exactly! It’s where TikTokers chat about, recommend, and act out scenes from their favorite books. They use the #BookTok hashtag. πŸ“šπŸŽ₯

That sounds cool! I’ve seen some BookTok videos, but didn’t know that’s what they were called. πŸ˜„