What does BSTS stand for?

Better safe than sorry

If you’re a cautious person, you might often find yourself using the acronym BSTS. It stands for “better safe than sorry”. Basically, it’s a way of saying you’d rather be cautious than take a risk and regret it later.

People commonly use BSTS in online gaming or while messaging friends. For gamers, it can be a strategic term used to discuss how to handle game situations like attacking an enemy base or investing in-game resources.

In messaging, BSTS comes up when you’re discussing major decisions that involve some risk. Say you’re considering a job change or thinking about confessing your feelings to someone you like. For instance, if your friend Sam isn’t sure if he locked his house before going on holiday, you might text him BSTS, suggesting he double-check just to be certain.

Example for using ‘BSTS’ in a conversation

Hey, I just got a job offer at this new company. It’s really exciting, but I’m not sure if I should take it.

BSTS! Make sure to research the company and think about the potential risks before making a decision.

You’re right. I’ll do some more digging and consider everything before giving them an answer.

That’s a good plan. Better safe than sorry when it comes to big career moves. Good luck!