What does CG stand for?

Computer Graphics

When you hear the term ‘CG’, it’s all about computer-generated graphics. This acronym is often thrown around while discussing the visual aspects of movies or games.

It’s usually a comment on how impressive these graphics were. Whether it’s a breathtaking landscape in a movie or the intricate details of a video game character, if it’s done using a computer, it’s referred to as ‘CG’.

So next time you’re blown away by the sheer visual brilliance of a game or a film, you know what to call it. It’s the magic of ‘CG’ at work.

Example for using ‘CG’ in a conversation

Wow, have you seen the new movie?

Yeah, I just watched it! The CG was incredible! 🀩

Right? The graphics looked so realistic!

Totally! It felt like I was inside the movie. πŸŽ₯πŸ”₯