
What does Chargelot mean in StarCraft 2?

Chargelot means Charge Zealot

If you’re a fan of StarCraft 2, chances are you’ve come across the term ‘Chargelot’. It’s a fun way of referring to a Zealot, a melee army unit in the Protoss faction, after it has been given an upgrade.

This upgrade, known as the “Charge,” gives the Zealot an amazing speed boost. It’s like strapping a rocket to their legs! With this upgrade, the Zealot can rush towards enemy units faster than ever, allowing them to get into battle and start attacking sooner.

So, next time you’re playing StarCraft 2 and you hear someone mention a ‘Chargelot’, you’ll know they’re talking about a Zealot who’s had a serious leg day. It’s all about getting into the action as quickly as possible!

Example for using ‘Chargelot’ in a conversation

Hey, have you played StarCraft 2 lately? I just upgraded my Zealots with Charge!

Oh nice! So now they can rush towards enemies and attack, right? That’s what Chargelot means, isn’t it?

Exactly! With Charge, my Zealots are super fast and deadly. They can reach the enemy in no time!

That’s awesome! I need to try that upgrade too. Chargelots sound like a force to be reckoned with!