
What does Denying mean in DOTA?

Taking out your own creeps so your enemy can’t do it first

If you’re a gamer and you’re into Defense of the Ancients (DOTA), you’ve probably come across the term ‘denying’. It’s a strategy where a player takes out their own unit to stop the enemy from scoring the last hit and earning gold or XP.

So, how does it work? When your creep’s health dips below 50%, you have the chance to ‘deny’ them. This means you kill off your own creep to stop the enemy from doing so and gaining the benefits.

Denying is more than just a spiteful move. It’s a key tactic that can give you a leg up in the game. When you deny an enemy, you’re not just stopping them from getting XP and gold. You’re also slowing down their farming significantly.

Remember, ‘denying’ isn’t about being mean. It’s about playing smart and keeping your opponents from getting ahead. So, next time you play DOTA, don’t hesitate to deny your creeps if it’s going to give you an advantage.

Example for using ‘Denying’ in a conversation

Hey, did you know about denying in DOTA?

Yeah, it’s when you kill your own creeps, right?

Exactly! It’s a strategic move to prevent the enemy from getting gold and experience.

That’s smart. So, denying helps slow down the enemy’s farming?