What does DFL stand for?

Dead freaking last

When someone says they finished DFL, they’re not bragging about a win. Quite the opposite, actually. DFL is short for “dead freaking last“. It’s a way to say they ended up in the last place in a competition, and there was no contest about it.

Now, if your friend Bob tells you he got DFL in a race, he’s not beaming with pride. He’s telling you he was the last one to cross the finish line, and there was no one even close to him. In other words, he was well and truly the last one.

But hey, if Alice ends up DFL in a baking contest, don’t be too hard on her. Remember, it’s NBD – no big deal. Life is all about getting back up and trying again, right? So, next time you hear DFL, you’ll know it’s not a badge of honor, but it’s not the end of the world either.

Example for using ‘DFL’ in a conversation

Hey, did you hear about the race yesterday?

Yeah, I did! Guess who finished DFL?

Who? πŸ€”

Our friend Mark! He came in dead freaking last! πŸ˜‚