
What does Farming mean in gaming?

Gathering experience and items

When you hear the term ‘Farming’ in the gaming world, it’s all about repeating certain tasks over and over. This could be finishing quests, defeating specific enemies, or hunting for certain items. The reason? To gain more experience or collect specific items.

This term is quite popular in games like Starcraft, Dota 2, and Fortnite. But it’s not limited to these games, ‘Farming’ is a universal term used across many online multiplayer games.

So next time when you’re playing and someone mentions ‘Farming’, you know they’re probably grinding to level up or gather special items. Remember, it’s all about the strategy of repetition to gain an advantage.

Example for using ‘Farming’ in a conversation

Hey, have you been playing that new game?

Yeah, I’ve been farming like crazy!

What do you mean by farming?

It means I’ve been grinding to earn experience and get better items.