What does FFE mean in StarCraft 2?

Forge fast expand

When it comes to StarCraft 2 (SC2), the term FFE is a throwback to a once popular strategy known as Forge Fast Expand. This was a method used primarily by Protoss players, who would build a Forge before a Gateway to speed up their expansion to another mineral location. It was especially effective on large maps where opponents would struggle to penalize an early expansion.

However, the landscape of SC2 has evolved over time, with new additions and gameplay changes making the FFE strategy less viable. It’s not often seen in actual gameplay these days, but is still a topic of conversation among fans and players on SC2 forums, who enjoy reminiscing about old strategies.

So, while FFE might not be a part of the current SC2 meta, it still holds a place in the game’s history and in the hearts of long-time players.

Example for using ‘FFE’ in a conversation

Hey, have you tried using FFE in SC2?

Yeah, it’s an old strategy where you build a Forge before a Gateway.

Oh, got it. So it allows for quicker expansion, right?

Exactly! It’s useful on large maps where opponents can’t punish early expansions easily.