What does GPOY stand for?

Gratuitous picture of yourself

A GPOY is essentially a self-indulgent photo of yourself that you share on social media platforms. It’s most commonly seen on Tumblr, but you might also find it on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace.

The term became popular on Tumblr around 2012, as users started using it as a tag for the photos they were posting. Normally, a GPOY is a selfie, often taken by a woman, sometimes in a suggestive pose.

But the pictures aren’t always of the person posting. They might also be images of things the person feels a connection with. These could be inspiring quotes, or even pictures of food that they really love.

Example for using ‘GPOY’ in a conversation

Just posted a new selfie on Tumblr! 😊

Nice! Is it a GPOY? πŸ“Έ

Yep! It’s totally a GPOY! 😁

Haha, gotta love those gratuitous pics! 🀳