What does GRWM stand for?

Get ready with me

Internet stars like Instagrammers, YouTubers, and TikTokers often use GRWM, which stands for “get ready with me.” It’s typically attached to videos as a hashtag (#GRWM) and is used to show followers how they prepare for their day.

Although anyone can make a GRWM video, they’re most often made by female vloggers. These vloggers will show their viewers how they do their hair, makeup, and pick out their clothes. Sometimes, they’ll even show how they get ready for special events, like a Day of the Dead party.

It’s also worth noting that a lot of GRWM videos are actually hidden ads. The vlogger will use specific hair and beauty products in their routine that they’ve been paid to promote. If a GRWM video is sponsored, you’ll usually see a #Sponsored tag along with it. So when you see a GRWM video, remember that the creator might have been paid to make it.

Example for using ‘GRWM’ in a conversation

Hey, I just uploaded a new video! #GRWM

Oh, what’s it about?

It’s a GRWM video where I show my morning routine and the makeup I use.

That sounds cool! I’ll definitely check it out. #Sponsored?