What does GUFN stand for?

Grounded until further notice

If you hear someone saying they are GUFN, it means they’re stuck at home and can’t go out for fun. This stands for “grounded until further notice”.

This phrase is usually used when parents punish their kids by not allowing them to go out. The term grounded is borrowed from aviation, where it means that a plane is not allowed to fly.

So, if someone is GUFN, don’t expect to see them at parties or hanging out. They’re stuck at home until they’re ungrounded.

Example for using ‘GUFN’ in a conversation

Hey, have you seen Sarah lately? I haven’t heard from her in a while. πŸ€”

No, I haven’t. She’s GUFN. πŸ˜”

GUFN? What does that mean? πŸ€”

It means she’s grounded until further notice. She’s not allowed to go out. 😞