What does HIFW stand for?

How I felt when

If you’re scrolling through Twitter and you spot ‘HIFW’, you’re looking at a handy little acronym that people use to express their feelings about a specific event or situation. It stands for ‘How I Feel When’ and is usually followed by a picture, video or GIF that captures the person’s emotion perfectly.

‘HIFW’ is a great tool for keeping your posts short and sweet, thanks to Twitter’s character limit. So, rather than typing out a long explanation about how you’re feeling, you can simply use this acronym and let a picture or GIF do the talking. It’s like the saying goes, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’.

So, the next time you see ‘HIFW’ in a tweet, you’ll know what’s going on. And if you’re feeling a certain way about something, why not use ‘HIFW’ yourself? It’s a quick, fun and creative way to express yourself, and who knows, your tweet might just go viral!

Example for using ‘HIFW’ in a conversation

Hey, did you see that new superhero movie?

Yeah, HIFW I saw the epic fight scene! 🀩

I know, right?! HIFW I saw the hero save the day! πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ

Totally! HIFW the villain got defeated was priceless! 😎