
What does Himbo mean?

A simple, strong guy

A himbo is a good-looking, well-built guy who might not be the sharpest tool in the shed. Unlike the stereotypical bimbos and mimbos, himbos are not necessarily shallow or dumb. They might be a bit naive and clueless, but they have a lot of emotional intelligence and optimism, which can be as appealing as their muscular bodies.

The term ‘himbo’ has been around since 1988, but it was only in 2020 that it became more widely known, thanks to Twitter. Twitter users not only spread the word but also defined its modern meaning.

And, as is common on Twitter, people started sharing examples of their favorite himbos from popular culture. Some of the names that come up a lot are Thor from Marvel, Kronk from Disney, Hercules, and Goku from Dragonball Z. All these fictional characters are seen as typical himbos – physically attractive, but not necessarily very smart.

So, if you hear someone being called a ‘himbo’, now you know what it means. It’s not necessarily an insult – it’s more of a playful term for a guy who’s got the looks but might be a bit lacking in the brains department. But that’s okay, because himbos have a lot of other great qualities too!

Example for using ‘Himbo’ in a conversation

Hey, have you seen the new superhero movie?

Yeah, I watched it! The main character is such a himbo 🀣

Haha, what do you mean by ‘himbo’?

A himbo is a good-looking, muscular guy who’s a bit clueless but super nice and charming πŸ˜„