What does HMU stand for?

Hit me up

HMU is a popular acronym used in online conversations or text messages, meaning “contact me.” It’s a shortened version of the phrase “hit me up,” which was widely used in the 1990s and early 2000s. The use of this acronym spiked in the mid-2000s when internet messaging and smartphones became more common.

Often, but not always, HMU is used in a romantic context. For instance, a guy who is interested in a woman might use it to signal that he wants her to reach out, hoping to see if she reciprocates his interest. He would be expecting a text, a direct message, an email, or even a phone call.

However, HMU is not exclusively used for romantic entanglements. It can also just be a casual way of saying, “I’m bored, let’s hang out.” The key to understanding the intention behind an HMU message is the context of the relationship. For example, if a guy you just met at a club sends you an HMU message, it’s likely he’s interested in a ‘hook up’ (HU).

Example for using ‘HMU’ in a conversation

Hey, what’s up?

Not much, just chilling. HMU if you want to hang out later!

Sure thing! I’ll hit you up after work.

Awesome, looking forward to it! 😊