What does SAHD stand for?

Stay-at-home dad

When you see the term SAHD, it stands for “stay-at-home dad”. This term is used to describe a father who takes care of his children full-time at home, instead of working a traditional job outside the house. It’s his main gig to keep the house and kids in order while his partner is most likely the one who’s out working full-time.

You might be more familiar with the term SAHM, which means “stay-at-home mom”. This term is quite similar to SAHD, but the usage of SAHD has been growing recently. This increase is due to the narrowing gender pay gap and the rise of women in the workforce.

Generally, you’ll find the term SAHD being used in online spaces. It’s often spotted in parenting forums, text messages, and social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. For instance, you could text your friend who just got laid off, asking, “How’s SAHD life treating you?

Example for using ‘SAHD’ in a conversation

Hey, how’s it going?

Hey! Not bad. Just adjusting to SAHD life.

SAHD life? What’s that?

It stands for “Stay-at-home dad.” Basically, I’m taking care of the kids and managing the house while my wife works.