What does IDMB stand for?

I’ll do my best

If you receive a text that says ‘IDMB’, it stands for “I’ll do my best”. People usually use this acronym when they’re not completely sure they can fulfill a request or task you’ve asked of them. It’s their way of saying they will try their hardest.

Here’s an example to help you understand better. Say, you ask your buddy Paul to come and get you from your place in 30 minutes, but he’s tied up with work. Paul might reply with “IDMB“. This shows he will try his best to pick you up on time, despite his busy schedule.

It’s important to remember that if Paul doesn’t turn up exactly on time, you should be a bit forgiving. The IDMB text was his way of telling you that he was unsure if he could make it, but he would certainly try. Therefore, if he’s a bit late, it means he was doing his best.

Example for using ‘IDMB’ in a conversation

Hey, can you help me out with my math homework?

IDMB, math is not really my strong suit. But I’ll do my best!

Thanks! I appreciate it.

No problem, I’ll give it a shot. Just don’t expect miracles πŸ˜