
What does Ima mean?

I’m going to

Ima is a slang term that is short for “I’m gonna.” People use it when they’re speaking quickly, or when they’re typing a text message or online chat to save time. It’s a way to say what you’re about to do in a brief, casual way.

Ima is also a popular word in hip-hop music. Rappers like using it in their lyrics because it sounds cool and it can often rhyme with other words. It sometimes shows up as imma.

Using ima in your communication adds a relaxed and modern touch. It’s a simple way to show that you’re up-to-date with the latest language trends.

Example for using ‘Ima’ in a conversation

Hey, Ima go grab some pizza. Want me to get you anything? πŸ•

Sure, Ima have a slice of pepperoni. Thanks! πŸ•

No problem, Ima be there in about 10 minutes. πŸš—

Great, Ima wait for you outside. See you soon! πŸ‘‹