What does ISTG stand for?

I swear to God

If you’ve ever come across the term ‘ISTG’, it’s an acronym that simply means ‘I Swear To God’. This phrase is used to express a strong belief in the truth of a statement you’ve made.

Typically, ‘ISTG’ is used when someone is doubting what you’ve said. When you use this term, you’re basically making a promise on something as revered as God, which is usually respected and taken seriously by most people.

This term is a way of emphasizing your commitment to the truth of what you’re saying. It’s like making a sacred vow that your words are true, making it more likely for others to believe you.

Example for using ‘ISTG’ in a conversation

Hey, did you hear about the new movie coming out next week?

Yeah, I heard it’s going to be amazing!

ISTG, it’s going to be the best movie of the year!