Joe Pesci

What does Joe Pesci mean in golf?

A tough five foot putt known as ‘Joe Pesci’

If you’re a golf enthusiast, you might have heard the term ‘Joe Pesci’. It’s a golfing slang that refers to a tough putt that’s around 5 feet in length.

Why ‘Joe Pesci’, you might wonder? That’s because of the actor’s short height, which is around 5’4″. The term also pays homage to the challenging roles Joe Pesci has taken on in his acting career.

Some of Pesci’s notable tough-guy roles include those in films like Raging Bull, Goodfellas, Home Alone, and Casino. These characters, much like a ‘Joe Pesci’ putt, are short but tough.

There’s also a similar term, ‘Danny DeVito’, which is used for a 5-foot putt. However, ‘Joe Pesci’ is reserved for more difficult 5-foot putts.

And if you thought that was it, there’s more! Another name you might hear is ‘James Joyce’. This term is used to describe any putt that’s particularly challenging, regardless of its length.

Example for using ‘Joe Pesci’ in a conversation

Hey, I heard you had a tough time on the green today. What happened?

Yeah, it was brutal. I had this Joe Pesci putt, and I just couldn’t sink it.

Ah, I know what you mean. Those 5-foot putts can be tricky.

Definitely! It’s like trying to escape one of Pesci’s tough guy roles.