What does KIA stand for?

Killed in action

KIA, standing for killed in action, is a term that originally took root in the military. It is used to refer to a soldier who has been killed during active duty.

However, the usage of KIA isn’t restricted to serious conversations about military casualties. It’s also commonly used in a less formal setting, such as video games or casual chats.

In fact, KIA is a popular term in First-Person Shooter (FPS) games like Battlefield and Call of Duty. When a player gets defeated or “killed” during the game, they’re referred to as KIA.

Even in everyday conversation, KIA might be used humorously or sarcastically to imply someone is overwhelmed or defeated by a situation.

Example for using ‘KIA’ in a conversation

Hey, did you play that new video game last night?

Yeah, it was intense! I got KIA so many times though 😅

Haha, same here! Those enemies were tough.

Definitely! But it’s all part of the fun, right? 🎮