What does LTMQ stand for?

Laughing to myself quietly

If you’re in a situation where a full-on laugh might be too noisy or draw too much attention, you might use the slang term LTMQ. It’s a way of saying you’re chuckling quietly to yourself, rather than letting out a loud guffaw.

LTMQ is part of a whole family of internet acronyms related to laughter. Some others you might encounter include LTM and LTS, which are pretty close in meaning to LTMQ. On the other hand, SWL is pretty much the exact opposite of LTMQ.

So if you’re in a library, at work, or anywhere else where it’s important to stay quiet, you can use LTMQ to let people know you found something funny, even if you’re not rolling on the floor laughing.

Example for using ‘LTMQ’ in a conversation

Hey, did you see that funny video I sent you?

Yeah, LTMQ! I’m at work and can’t laugh out loud.