
What does Lulz mean?


Lulz is simply a slang term that is the plural form of LOL, and is also a variation of lolz and lawlz. Its main use is to express that something is so funny, it makes you laugh multiple times or constantly.

Phrases such as “I did it for the lulz” or just “for the lulz” have become quite popular. These phrases mean that whatever action was done, it was done for the purpose of humor or to make others laugh.

You might often see these expressions as part of internet memes. These memes usually come with images or animations that add to the humor of the phrase.

Example for using ‘Lulz’ in a conversation

Hey, guess what? I just pranked my sister by hiding her phone!

Haha, that’s hilarious! Did she freak out?

Oh yeah, she was searching everywhere for it. It was all for the lulz!

I can’t stop laughing! You always come up with the best pranks!