Mic Up

What does Mic Up mean in Roblox?

Talk to me using voice chat

The phrase “Mic Up” is commonly used by Roblox players to coax others into joining a voice chat. This happens outside of the game, using apps like Discord, because Roblox doesn’t have an inbuilt voice chat feature to shield its younger users from explicit language.

Players who are upset or confrontational often challenge others to “Mic Up”. It’s similar to saying “let’s settle this face-to-face”. So if two players are trading insults via text chat in Roblox, one might ask the other to “Mic Up” to escalate the situation.

This term is especially prevalent in Roblox’s rougher, more urban games, like The Streets and Da Hood. But really, anyone playing any Roblox game could be asked to “Mic Up” if they cross paths with a player who’s feeling a bit touchy.

Example for using ‘Mic Up’ in a conversation

Hey, did you play Roblox yesterday?

Yeah, I did! It was fun.

Nice! Did anyone ask you to mic up?

Yeah, this one player got really mad and challenged me to mic up.