What does MMOB stand for?

Mind my own business

When someone uses the term MMOB, they’re actually referring to the phrase ‘mind my own business’. It’s often used online or in text messages, particularly when someone realizes they’re getting too involved in someone else’s affairs.

MMOB is basically a self-deprecating way of acknowledging that you have been caring too much about other people’s lives and that you need to step back. It’s like a personal reminder to focus on your own life instead.

Interestingly, there’s an opposite term to MMOB, which is MYOB. MYOB stands for ‘mind your own business’ and is used to tell someone else to stop getting so involved in others’ lives.

So, whether you’re telling yourself to MMOB or advising someone else to MYOB, these slang terms are all about maintaining boundaries and respecting personal space.

Example for using ‘MMOB’ in a conversation

Hey, did you hear about what happened at the party last night?