What does MYOB stand for?

Mind your own business

MYOB stands for mind your own business. It’s a common term you’ll see a lot, both online and in person. It’s said when someone wants to keep their affairs private and is asking others to respect their privacy.

Often, we use MYOB when someone is giving us unsolicited advice or telling us how to live our lives. It’s a polite way to express annoyance or frustration without resorting to harsh words.

Keep in mind, MYOB can also refer to a popular financial software company. So the meaning of MYOB can change depending on the context.

Example for using ‘MYOB’ in a conversation

Hey, did you hear about my new job?

Congrats! What’s the position?

It’s a secret for now. MYOB. 😜

Haha, got it! I’ll wait for the big reveal. πŸŽ‰