What does NLI stand for?

Not logged in

When you hear the term NLI, it’s referring to a user who is either not logged in or offline. This could apply to any online platform such as a computer station, social media or email account, or a messaging app.

Let’s say your colleague Sarah isn’t responding on your work chat, she might be NLI. Or perhaps your buddy Mike isn’t online for your scheduled gaming session, he’s NLI too. It’s a quick way to explain why someone might not be responding or available online.

So next time when you can’t reach your friend Joe on social media, or your team member Lisa is not responding on the professional chat, it’s likely they are NLI. It’s a handy term for our digital age where online presence is a significant part of our lives.

Example for using ‘NLI’ in a conversation

Hey! Are you free to play the game online?

Sorry, I can’t. I’m NLI right now. Gotta finish some work.

No worries! Let’s play later then. πŸ‘

Sounds good! Just let me know when you’re ready. 😊