Olympic Grandma

What does Olympic Grandma mean in Gymnastics?

A senior woman who competed in the Olympics

An Olympic Grandma is a nickname for a female Olympian who’s a bit older than the average competitor, usually in her mid to late twenties. This term gained popularity during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics when celebrated US gymnast Aly Raisman used it to honor her teammate Gabby Douglas.

It’s important to note that being an Olympic Grandma doesn’t mean they’re actually old, it’s just that they’re older compared to most Olympians. The world of competitive sports, especially gymnastics, is generally dominated by athletes in their early teens. Those in their late teens and early twenties are considered to be in the prime of their careers.

Far from being a negative term, Olympic Grandma is actually a badge of honor. It’s a recognition of the athlete’s dedication and perseverance to continue competing at an age that’s considered older than average in their field.

Example for using ‘Olympic Grandma’ in a conversation

Hey, did you watch the Olympics last night?

Yes! It was amazing. Did you see Simone Biles’ performance?

Yes, she’s incredible. I can’t believe she’s still competing.

I know, right? They call her the Olympic Grandma because she’s older than most athletes.