What does OOTD stand for?

Outfit of the day

OOTD is a cool acronym widely used in the fashion world. It stands for a person’s daily outfit or style. It’s a common term in online fashion communities, style videos, and personal style blogs.

You’ll often see OOTD being used on social media platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. It’s usually paired with a photo of an outfit, making it easier for others to see the style in question.

The term is typically preceded by a hashtag (#) when used on social media. This helps in increasing the visibility of the outfit, allowing more users to check it out.

Example for using ‘OOTD’ in a conversation

Hey! Just wanted to show you my new dress. πŸ’ƒ

Ooh, I’d love to see it! OOTD? 😍

Sure thing! Here it is. #OOTD πŸ“Έ

Wow, you look amazing! Love the dress! ❀️