Put Over

What does Put Over mean in professional wrestling?

Help someone appear attractive

“Put over” is a term commonly heard in the world of professional wrestling. It means to make someone look impressive or talented. This can be achieved either by losing a match to them, thereby enhancing their image, or by winning in a way that makes the audience sympathize with the opponent.

For instance, if a fan says “Stone Cold is going to put over Triple H”, it could mean one of two things. Either Stone Cold is expected to lose the upcoming match to Triple H, making Triple H look strong, or he’s going to win in a way that makes the audience feel sorry for Triple H.

The term “over” is used when the crowd is genuinely interested in a wrestler, regardless of whether they love or hate them. A wrestler can be “over” with the crowd whether they play a good guy (babyface) or a bad guy (heel).

A great heel who evokes strong negative emotions from the audience can be just as “over” as a beloved babyface. The key is the audience’s emotional investment in the wrestler, whether it’s love or hate.

Example for using ‘Put Over’ in a conversation

Hey, did you watch the wrestling match last night?

Yeah, it was awesome! The Rock really put John Cena over.

I know, right? The Rock made Cena look like a superstar.

Definitely! The crowd was really into it.