Red Wedding

What does Red Wedding mean?

‘Red Wedding’ is slang for ‘A disaster’

If someone mentions a “red wedding“, they’re talking about an event or a situation that’s a complete disaster. Picture this: you plan an amazing picnic and it pours down rain, or perhaps half of your friends flake out on a party you’ve been planning for weeks. That’s what you’d call a red wedding.

This term isn’t just made up. It comes from a popular TV show, Game of Thrones. In a particularly memorable episode, “The Rains of Castamere”, a wedding celebration turns into a (*spoiler alert*) violent bloodbath. Major characters like Jon Arryn, his wife, and his mother are surprisingly killed.

People often use “red wedding” as a funny, sad, or dramatic way to describe a disaster. It could be an event that went wrong or a person who is a trainwreck themselves. They might need to sort out their problems and start making better choices. So, next time you hear “red wedding”, you’ll know it’s not a good thing!

Example for using ‘Red Wedding’ in a conversation

Hey, did you hear about Sarah’s party last night?

Yeah, it was a total red wedding!

What happened?

Well, the cake got smashed, the DJ didn’t show up, and it started pouring rain. Disaster!