What does SFTME stand for?

Sorry for the mass email

‘SFTME’ is a handy acronym used in the digital world, especially in emails and online chats. Its purpose is to offer an apology for sending out a mass email, a common practice that sometimes can create confusion among the recipients.

The issue with mass emails is that their content may not be relevant to everyone on the recipient list. This can lead to a lot of unnecessary emails cluttering up inboxes. ‘SFTME’ is a way for the sender to acknowledge this issue and express regret for any inconvenience caused.

A big problem arises when a person replies to everyone on the email list instead of just the sender. This can cause a great deal of chaos, with lots of unwanted emails being sent around. So, when you see ‘SFTME’ in an email, understand that the sender is aware of these potential pitfalls and is apologizing in advance.

Example for using ‘SFTME’ in a conversation

Hey! SFTME, but can you please check your email? I just sent something important.

No worries! I’ll take a look right now. Thanks for the heads up! 😊