Soft Saving

What does Soft Saving mean?

Putting away less money for the future so you can enjoy more now

Soft saving is a popular trend, especially among Gen Z, where individuals prioritize their present happiness over future savings. This trend is linked to the idea of living a ‘soft life’, focusing on current joy rather than working tirelessly for future gain.

Many Americans have been brought up believing that hard work and productivity are the keys to success. However, to challenge this belief and to promote a more balanced lifestyle, many in Gen Z have opted to focus more on their immediate quality of life rather than waiting for a larger financial reward in the future.

For instance, a person practicing soft saving might choose to take a trip to Europe during their twenties rather than saving that money for potential travel during retirement. They might also decide to dine out at fancy restaurants instead of saving money by preparing meals at home.

But soft saving isn’t just about materialistic purchases. A soft saver might allocate extra funds to mental health services like therapy instead of hoarding that money. They might also choose to work fewer hours to lower their stress levels, rather than working more to earn more.

In essence, soft saving is all about living for the present rather than saving for an uncertain future.

Example for using ‘Soft Saving’ in a conversation

Hey, have you heard about soft saving? πŸ€”

Yeah, it’s this new trend where people save less money for the future and focus on enjoying the present more! 🌟

Exactly! Instead of waiting until retirement to travel, they choose to explore the world while they’re young. 🌍

I totally get it! Why wait when you can make amazing memories now, right? πŸ˜„