Speak Truth To Power

What does Speak Truth To Power mean?

Stand up for what’s right

When someone says ‘Speak Truth To Power’, they’re referring to a person or group of people standing up against an oppressive system, person or organization, by voicing out their concerns and revealing the unjust and corrupt practices. This phrase is commonly associated with the fight against corruption, injustice, and misuse of power, primarily by those in government positions.

The phrase, although believed to be originated from Ancient Greece, gained popularity in modern times in the early 1940s. This happened when American civil rights activist, Martin Luther King Jr., began advocating for nonviolent means to challenge and oppose those in power to ensure social justice.

Over the years, ‘Speak truth to power’ became a mantra adopted by various groups promoting nonviolent resistance. It was used against the Soviet Union during the Cold War and against oppressive regimes in the Middle East. In the late 2010s, the phrase gained even more popularity, particularly on social media platforms, as a call to action for dissidents to rise up against oppressive systems.

You’ll often see this phrase being used at protests advocating for racial justice, gender equality, LGBTQ rights, and against censorship. It is used to challenge government laws and the so-called “status quo”. This phrase is frequently seen on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Snapchat, where activists use it to spread their message.

Example for using ‘Speak Truth To Power’ in a conversation

Hey, did you hear about the protest happening downtown?

Yeah, I saw it on social media. It’s about speaking truth to power, right?

Exactly! People are standing up against injustice and fighting for what’s right.

That’s awesome! I support them, we need more of that in the world.