What does STFW stand for?

Search the flippin’ web

STFW is a modern slang used online when someone advises another person to look for information on their own. This term is usually used when the information needed is easily accessible through a simple internet search. It’s an updated version of the older slang, RTFM.

For instance, imagine someone named John is having trouble changing the headlight on his vehicle. His friend, who knows that there are countless tutorials and videos online, might respond with, “STFW!” This essentially means, “Just do a quick web search and you’ll find your answer.”

Or consider another scenario where a beginner computer user posts in an online forum about how to clear their web browser’s cache and cookies. A more experienced user could reply, “It’s so simple. Just STFW.” In this context, STFW is used to suggest that the information needed is just a quick search away.

Example for using ‘STFW’ in a conversation

Hey, do you know how to fix a leaky faucet?

STFW! You can easily find step-by-step guides online. 😊

Oh, okay. I’ll search for it then. Thanks!

No problem! Let me know if you need any more help. πŸ‘