What does TFLMK stand for?

Thanks for letting me know

When you hear TFLMK, it’s a short form that stands for “Thanks For Letting Me Know“. This is a common phrase used in casual chats or emails, especially when you have shared some useful or important information with someone else.

It’s a friendly way of expressing gratitude for being kept in the loop. If you get a message with TFLMK, it’s a clear sign that your information was appreciated.

When someone sends you a TFLMK, there are many simple and suitable ways to respond. Remember, the goal is to keep the conversation going and maintain a positive vibe.

So, when you come across TFLMK, don’t be puzzled. Just remember it’s a quick and easy way to say “thanks for the info” in the digital world.

Example for using ‘TFLMK’ in a conversation

Hey, did you hear about the new movie coming out this weekend?

No, what’s it called?

It’s called “Superhero Showdown”. I heard it’s supposed to be really good.

TFLMK! I’ll make sure to check it out. Thanks for letting me know!