What does TOS stand for?

Terms of service

TOS stands for ‘terms of service’. It’s a set of rules that you need to follow when you use a service. These rules tell you what you can and can’t do while using the service. They also outline what the service provider can do with your data.

For instance, the video sharing site YouTube has a TOS. It includes a rule that stops creators from using copyright-protected music in their videos. This rule protects YouTube from legal action by music artists and record labels.

All large internet service providers, like Yahoo, Instagram, LinkedIn, and eBay, have their own TOS. When you sign up for an account on many websites, you have to agree to the TOS. Usually, you do this by ticking a box next to a link to the TOS.

Example for using ‘TOS’ in a conversation

Hey, have you read the TOS for this new app?

TOS? What’s that?

It stands for “terms of service.” It’s like a set of rules and conditions that you have to agree to in order to use the app.

Oh, got it! So, what kind of things are mentioned in the TOS?

Well, it usually explains what you can and can’t do while using the app. It also tells you how they handle your data.

That’s important. I’ll definitely give it a read before using the app.