
What does Turf mean?


Turf is a slang way of saying “neighborhood.” Gangs often use this term when they’re fighting over areas or ownership of places. For instance, when there’s a conflict about who gets to deal drugs in a certain neighborhood, they might argue about which gang’s turf it is.

This term is a common part of gang lingo, and it reflects the intense territorial disputes these groups often face. A gang’s turf is a big deal – it’s their home base, their stomping ground, and the area they feel they have control over.

So, when you hear someone mention their ‘turf’, they’re probably talking about their neighborhood or the area they consider their own. It’s a term born out of urban struggles and has a lot of weight and history behind it.

Example for using ‘Turf’ in a conversation

Hey, have you seen the new restaurant that opened up in our turf? πŸ”πŸ•

Yeah, I heard about it! It’s in our neighborhood. Can’t wait to check it out! 🀩

Definitely! Let’s plan a visit this weekend. It’s nice having new places in our turf. 😎

I agree! It’s great to see our neighborhood growing and getting more options. πŸŒ‡