
What does Turtle mean in gaming?

A player who uses a safe approach in video games

In gaming circles, a ‘Turtle’ is someone who opts for a defensive strategy. Their main focus is on fortifying their defenses, rather than taking an aggressive stance.

A ‘Turtle’ is similar to an ‘Armadillo’ in gaming terms, but they’re generally less aggressive. They prefer to build up their shields, defenses or whatever protective tools the game offers, rather than attacking or advancing on their opponents.

One thing to note about ‘Turtles’ is that they tend to make the game last longer. Their defensive style of play can result in extended matches, which some players might find less exciting or even boring.

Example for using ‘Turtle’ in a conversation

Hey, did you play that new game yet?

Yeah, I did! It’s so intense!

Did you come across any turtles?

Oh yeah, I encountered a turtle player. They were all about defense!