What does WOL stand for in StarCraft2?

Wings of Liberty

In the world of StarCraft2, ‘WOL’ is a commonly used slang term. It’s a quick way for players to refer to Wings of Liberty, which is the base version of SC2.

You will find this acronym mostly in online forums and strategy guides. It’s used when players are talking about the content and strategies that are unique to Wings of Liberty, and not included in the expansions of the game.

There are a few expansions for StarCraft2, so using ‘WOL’ makes it clear that the discussion is about the base game. This way, strategies and tips can be more accurately shared and applied by players.

Example for using ‘WOL’ in a conversation

Hey, have you played WOL lately? 🎮

Yeah, I love Wings of Liberty! It’s the base version of StarCraft2. 🌟

I’m new to the game, so I’m still getting the hang of it. What’s the difference between WOL and the expansions? 🤔

The expansions introduce new content and strategies. WOL refers specifically to the base version, while the expansions include Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void. 🦾