
What does Zoning mean in gaming?

Trapping enemies in specific areas

In the world of competitive online gaming, like in games such as DOTA 2 and Heroes of the Storm, zoning is a commonly used technique.

It involves using specific abilities and strategies to limit or “zone” rival players into certain areas. This technique is designed to give one side a tactical edge over their opponents.

By effectively “zoning” other players, a team can control the map and dictate the direction of gameplay.

So, when you hear gamers talking about “zoning”, they’re discussing ways to outmaneuver and control their opponents in a strategic way.

Example for using ‘Zoning’ in a conversation

Hey, did you watch the League of Legends tournament yesterday?

Yeah, it was intense! Did you see how they were zoning the enemy team?

Definitely! That strategy really helped them gain control of the map.

For sure, by restricting the opponents to specific areas, they had the upper hand.