
What does 1B mean in baseball?

First base

In the world of baseball, the term ‘1B’ is often used. It’s an abbreviation that’s used in a couple of different ways. Most commonly, it’s used to indicate the first base, particularly when talking about the player who is guarding this position.

But ‘1B’ isn’t just about players and positions. It’s also a term that’s used in baseball stats and fantasy baseball. In these contexts, ‘1B’ can refer to a single. This is a hit that allows the batter to safely reach the first base. It’s an important part of the game, and it’s reflected in the use of ‘1B’.

So next time you hear or see the term ‘1B’, remember that it’s not just a number and a letter. It’s a term with a lot of significance in baseball, used to refer to both a key player position and a type of hit in the game.

Example for using ‘1B’ in a conversation

Hey, did you watch the baseball game last night?

Yeah, I did! That play at 1B was amazing!

I know, right? The first baseman made a great catch!

Definitely! That play saved the game for their team.