What does 224 mean?

Today, tomorrow, forever

In the world of text slang, 224 has a sweet, sentimental meaning. It’s used to convey the phrase “today, tomorrow, forever”, which is a lovely way of saying someone’s feelings will never change. It’s especially popular among couples who want to express a deep level of commitment to each other.

For instance, suppose your girlfriend sends you a message saying “143 224”. That means “I love you today, tomorrow, forever.” It’s a simple, yet powerful way of saying she’ll always be there for you, no matter what.

But it’s not just romantic partners who use 224. Friends might use it, too. Say, you let your best friend know how much you value their friendship. They might reply with “Of course, we’re friends 224”. This means they see your friendship lasting today, tomorrow, forever.

Example for using ‘224’ in a conversation

Hey! Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you as my best friend. You’ve always been there for me.

Ofc, that’s why we’re friends 224. No matter what happens, I’ll always have your back.

Aw, that’s so sweet! I’m grateful to have you in my life.

Same here! Friends 224, remember? We’ll stick together through thick and thin.