
What does Arp mean in gaming?

Armor penetration

In the world of gaming, ‘Arp’ is a term you might come across quite often. It’s a statistic that shows how much armor an attack can cut through. This is typically associated with weapons or offensive armor items.

So, if you’re playing a game and you see ‘Arp’, know that it’s referring to the power of a weapon to bypass armor. It’s a crucial aspect of gameplay that can make a significant impact on the outcome of battles.

You may also encounter the variant ‘arpen’, but don’t be confused – it’s the same thing! Whether it’s ‘Arp’, ‘arpen’, or any other term, they all boil down to one concept: armor penetration.

Example for using ‘Arp’ in a conversation

Hey, have you tried out that new game yet? I just got a new weapon with high Arp!

Arp? What’s that?

It stands for Armor Penetration. It’s a stat in the game that tells you how much armor your attack can bypass!

Oh, I get it now! So, higher Arp means your attacks can ignore more of the opponent’s armor?