What does ASLRP stand for?

Age, sex, location, race, picture

ASLRP is a term that’s similar to ASLR, but with an added request for a person’s photo. It’s often used by people who’ve met online and want to get a better understanding of the other person’s physical appearance. This term is typically used to ask for someone’s age, sex, location, race, and a picture of themselves.

ASLRP commonly appears in online chatrooms or when someone slides into another person’s DMs. It can be used as a standalone question, or as part of a larger conversation.

It’s important to note that if someone asks you for your ASLRP, you should only share this information if you trust them. Always be aware that there are people with ill intentions online, so it’s best to be cautious when sharing personal information.

Example for using ‘ASLRP’ in a conversation

Hey! How’s it going?

Hey! I’m good, thanks. What about you?

I’m good too! By the way, what’s your ASLRP?


Yeah, it stands for age, sex, location, race, picture. Basically, it’s a way to get to know someone better online.

Oh, got it! Well, I’m 25, male, from California, mixed race. No picture though. What about you?

I’m 23, female, from New York, Asian. Here’s my picture! 😊